June 2019 Conference


29 – 30 June 2019

Best Presenter Award

1. Kama Bin Shafiee

2. Mohd Khairulnaim

3. Zuriadah Ismail

4. Zulkifli Osman

5. Aizazi Lutfi Ahmad

Best Research Paper Award

Improving Executive Functioning Skills in Children with Autism Through Cognitive Training Program –  Norfishah Mat Rabi, Monica Lau Jit May and Ng Meng Lek

Best Conceptual Paper Award

An Innovative Module for Learning Computational Thinking Skills among Undergraduate StudentsLetchumanan Shanmugam and Geetha Nadesan

Best Technology Paper Award

Preliminary Insights On Investigating Existing Mobile Ethics Through Mobile Learning For A Local Context Shamsul Arrieya Ariffin, Faiz Daud and Muh Anshar

Best Video Design Award

Attıtude Of Special Education Teachers In Teaching Special Education Integration Programe Towards Learning Disabilities Students Dyslexia Academic Performances In District Hilir Perak, PerakMd Nasir bin Masran

Best Video Presenter Award

Prog-Chem-Ing in Teaching Organic Chemistry Mechanism Muhammad Shazwan Sheikh Abdul Razak and Sabariah Shariff